Harmful Effects Of Crash Dieting



Summer came and everyone is trying to get fit. Those who want to get rid of the excess pounds, are trying to lose weight quickly by using crash diets, but some of them can put our health at risk. It is very wrong to look at the diet, like a seasonal event! It’s not just about spending short period in form. Diet does not mean a list of prohibitions, all the food and drink that we consume every day make up our diet. To reach the ideal weight and maintain it overweight people need to follow a personal diet program and learn how to eat healthy.


1. Crash diet affects your heart

In order to lose weight quickly winter weight gainers use wrong dietary practices. One of very often mistake is diet that include just a single group of nutrients. If a diet program suggests you to eat the same food from the first day to the last day, regardless of age, gender, weight, health condition you can be sure that the program is not scientific and not healthy. This kind of diet cause loss of muscle mass and body water instead of fat mass loss. Muscle loss slows down your metabolism. Moreover, crash diets, applied for a long time, lead to electrolyte deficiency, such as sodium and potassium, that can cause sudden heart attacks.

2. Skipping meals to lose weight is actually causing weight gain.

Trying to lose weight by skipping meals or starving slows down metabolism. Metabolism is a system that is set to work adequate to energy that is possessing from outside. So if you do not eat anything all day or if you skip meals, your metabolism does not get any energy and starts work at the lowest level. Calories intake lower than basal metabolic rate slows down your metabolism even further. Hunger for a long time will cause fluctuations in blood sugar, so you can not avoid overeating in the next meal. Plan your meals with 3 hour intervals to avoid getting hungry like a wolf.

3. Your friend's diet program can disappoint you

Although the basic dietary principles are common, to reach the ideal weight daily energy requirement is planned according to the gender, age, weight, health condition, nutritional habits and physical activity level of the patient. Diet program and its caloric value are completely personal and different for each patient. Applying someone else's diet program can cause health problems, as well as disappointment in expected weight loss.

4. Diet based on a single type of nutrient can not change eating pattern.

Many people spend years trying to lose weight by applying diet containing just one type of food such as fruits, salads or protein. However, these methods are always a temporary solution. Our body is a system that requires a continuous supply of nutrients from all groups. Each of the nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water and pulp has its function in our body. Unbalanced diet based on single nutrient makes you feel physically and psychologically unwell and cause vitamin and mineral deficiency.

Such a diet can not introduce healthy eating habits, that can be applied to life. We can not make a change of eating pattern, so very soon we regain the weight we just have lost.

5. Application of diet program without physical activity is decreasing results.

Healthy weight loss can be achieved through individual diet program, planned according to patients individual characteristics, energetic and nutritional needs. But diet alone is most of cases not enough. An exercise program absolutely needs to be added to the diet. 3 to 4 times a week 30 minutes of briskly walk provides lots of benefits.

6. Losing more than 5 kilograms monthly can negatively affect your health.

Losing between 0,5 and 1 kilo per week is ideal for health. The most important expectation from diet program is the loss of fat tissue. The amount of weight that people are able to lose depends on their initial weight, and can be changeable. The weight loss average of 3-5 kilograms per month does not cause a health problem.