2.Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Course, 2013, Antalya
1.Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Performance, 2012 Antalya
Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Course in 2013, Istanbul / Turkey
Vascular Surgery Course 2013, Ankara / Turkey
Laparoscopic Colon Surgery Course, 2012 in Izmir / Turkey
Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Course, 2012 in Istanbul / Turkey
Total Mesorectal Excision Course. 2011, Antalya / Turkey
Abdominal Computed Tomography Course, February 2011, Ankara / Turkey.
18th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, Pre-congress Course of "Laparoscopic surgery for gastrointestinal non-trauma emergencies" 16 June, 2010 Geneva / Switzerland.
32nd International Congress of European Hernia Society, Pre-congress Course of Hiatal Hernia Surgery 5 October, 2010, Istanbul / Turkey.
Laparoscopic adrenalectomy Course May, 2009 in Istanbul / Turkey
Course of Nerve Monitoring in Thyroid Surgery. 28 April 2009.İstanbul / Turkey
7. Medikal- Surgical Endocrinology Course 2008 in Adana / Turkey
Laparoscopic Surgery Course 17-21 April 2006 in Istanbul / Turkey
Trauma and Resuscitation Instructor Certification Course 4-7 October 2005 in Istanbul / Turkey
National Breast Diseases Congress. Breast Surgery Course. September 2005. Istanbul / Turkey
Endocrine Surgery Conference 2005, Bursa / Turkey
Micro-surgical Course, MEGA I (Microsurgery Training and Development Centre) 2004. Istanbul / Turkey
Emergency Abdominal Ultrasonography Course, 7th National Symposium on Emergency Medicine. 2004 Gaziantep / Turkey
Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine Breast Group 9. postgraduate training course 24-25 December 2004 İstanbul / Turkey
VI. Postgraduate Gastroenterology Course 2004, Istanbul
25.Trauma and Resuscitation Course - 'Trauma and Resuscitation Course Certificate' 2004, Istanbul / Turkey
Surgical Infections Course, 4 May 2003, Istanbul / Turkey
Wall Street Institute School Of English (Advanced Stage) 2002-2004, Istanbul / Turkey
Turkish Society of Nephrology and ISPD (The International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis) Common edited 'CAPD Current Approaches Course' 5 – 9 September 2001, Cappadocia / Turkey